Raising Kids abroad: 8 amazing Benefits

We are often criticized for traveling so much with our children. This often comes from people living the conventional lifestyle in western countries. Indeed, we can’t offer them a fixed environment, but we can certainly provide a strong family bond. Raising kids abroad while living a nomadic lifestyle can offer many benefits for both the parents and the children. Here are just a few:

Cultural Immersion

Living in different countries exposes children to diverse cultures, languages, and ways of life. This can help them develop an appreciation for diversity and a global perspective, which can be valuable in today’s interconnected world.

Language Acquisition

Immersing children in a foreign language environment can help them pick up the language quickly and easily. This can be especially beneficial if they are young, as they are more likely to become fluent in multiple languages.

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Research shows that children outclass adults in their ability to unconsciously learn new language rules.

Educational Opportunities

Experiencing various education systems around the world can be eye-opening for kids. Each country has its unique approach to education, and being exposed to these different styles can help children become well-rounded learners. They might attend a local school in one country, a private international school in another, or even participate in homeschooling or online education. This variety in education can nurture a love for learning and a more holistic view of the world.

Personal Growth

Living a nomadic lifestyle can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Moving from one place to another, dealing with different climates, and even overcoming language barriers can teach children to be more adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges. They learn to embrace change rather than fear it, a skill that’s incredibly valuable throughout life.

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With each change of location, it becomes easier for the little ones to get used to the new situation – provided they are sufficiently supported and prepared by their parents.

Family Bonding

Traveling and living abroad as a family can bring parents and children closer together. The shared experiences and memories created can strengthen the bond between them. When you think about it yourself – what do you remember most? Sitting in front of the TV with your parents or going on adventures together?

Sense of Adventure

Living abroad and traveling can give kids a sense of adventure and a love for exploring new places. It can also inspire them to continue traveling and learning about different cultures throughout their lives.

Healthier Lifestyle Choices

Often, the Digital Nomad lifestyle promotes a healthier way of living. Families might find themselves spending more time outdoors, engaging in physical activities, or eating local, fresh foods. This can instill lifelong habits of healthy living in children, as they grow up understanding the importance of a balanced lifestyle.

Developing a Global Network

Children raised abroad have the unique opportunity to develop a global network of friends and contacts. This can be incredibly beneficial for their future, both personally and professionally. Having friends from different parts of the world not only enriches their lives culturally but also provides them with a global support system as they grow older.

Raising Kids abroad also comes with Challenges

Of course, raising kids abroad is not without its challenges, such as finding stable housing and schooling and maintaining solid relationships with extended family and friends. However, with proper planning and a willingness to adapt, the benefits of this lifestyle can far outweigh the difficulties.


What are your experiences with raising your kids abroad? Do you already do it or do you think of leaving your homecountry and starting a new life somewhere else? Please let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!

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