Become a Minimalist in 10 easy Steps

As a Digital Nomad you have a lot of freedom – but also one big restriction: your luggage. If you’re on the road a lot and move regularly, you can’t have a shipping container with your entire household goods following you every time. The solution: You have to reduce yourself to the most necessary – become some sort of minimalist. And that’s good news because owning less is good for your mental healthI’ve compiled the scientific facts for you here.

But where to begin when starting a more minimalistic lifestyle? How rigorously do you need to be? Here are 10 steps to help you start your journey toward minimalism.

1. Start by decluttering your space

Go through each room in your home and get rid of items that you no longer need or use. Be ruthless and honest with yourself. You don’t have to do it all in one day. Maybe find 5 items every day for one week!

Start by dedicating time to each room, systematically evaluating and purging items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy. It’s a chance to be both ruthless and honest with yourself about the necessity and relevance of each possession.

Breaking down the decluttering process into smaller, more manageable tasks can make the endeavor less daunting. Set a goal to find and eliminate a specific number of items each day—perhaps five items over the course of a week. This approach not only distributes the effort but also allows for a more thoughtful examination of each item.

As you navigate through this decluttering journey, ask yourself poignant questions about each possession. Does it contribute positively to your life? Is it genuinely useful or sentimental? If the answer is no, consider parting ways with it.

Decluttering isn’t just about creating physical space; it’s a mindful practice that can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Letting go of the unnecessary allows room for a clearer mindset and a more intentional and purposeful living environment.

A minimalistic closet in a grey room with a plant next to it.
Sometimes it’s not easy to part with something useless because you’ve become so used to it.

2. Determine your values and priorities

This will help you focus on what is truly important to you and avoid getting caught up in consumerism. In the end, nothing is truly important but your health and your loved ones, right?!

By paring down possessions to those that are truly important, you’re creating a visual and tangible reflection of your values. The decluttered environment becomes a canvas that emphasizes what holds significance in your life, reinforcing the understanding that material possessions alone do not define happiness or fulfillment.

Ultimately, the essence of what is truly important often boils down to the pillars of health and relationships with loved ones. In the grand tapestry of life, these are the threads that weave a rich and meaningful narrative. By decluttering and simplifying, you’re deliberately carving out space and time to focus on your well-being and nurture connections with those who matter most.

3. Set minimalism goals

Start small and work your way up. On your journey to a minimalistic lifestyle, it can be helpful to set specific goals, such as getting rid of one item per day or week.

Consider beginning with a modest goal, such as getting rid of one item per day or week. This deliberate and gradual approach not only avoids the stress of an overwhelming overhaul but also allows you to cultivate a habit of mindfulness and intentional decision-making.

By choosing a single item at a time, you can focus on the significance of each possession and make thoughtful decisions about its place in your life. This methodical approach encourages a deeper connection with the decluttering process, fostering a sense of purpose and mindfulness.

As you witness the impact of your small yet consistent efforts, you may find a newfound motivation to continue the journey toward minimalism. The beauty of starting small lies in its accessibility and adaptability to your own pace and lifestyle.

4. Adopt a “one in, one out” policy

For every new item you bring into your home, get rid of one that you no longer need. This will help you keep your possessions in check and prevent clutter from building up.

This approach instills a sense of mindfulness in the act of acquiring possessions, prompting you to evaluate the necessity and value of each new addition. By linking the introduction of a new item with the removal of an existing one, you create a balance that prevents clutter from accumulating over time.

The “one in, one out” rule not only contributes to a streamlined and organized living space but also encourages intentional consumption. It prompts you to question whether a new item truly adds value to your life and aligns with your priorities. This mindful decision-making process reinforces the essence of minimalism—focusing on quality over quantity and prioritizing what truly matters.

Clothes in beige tones hanging in an open closet.
You would like to have a new sweater? Then get rid of an old one before.

5. Embrace simplicity

Minimalism is about living with less, but it’s also about finding joy in the things you do have. Focus on the things that bring you happiness and let go of the rest.

The heart of minimalism lies in finding joy and meaning in the things that truly matter to you. As you navigate your journey toward a minimalist lifestyle, pay careful attention to the items and experiences that bring genuine happiness into your life. These could be simple pleasures—a cherished book, a piece of art, or the warmth of shared moments with loved ones.

By embracing minimalism, you’re actively curating a living space that reflects your values and cultivates a sense of contentment. It’s a deliberate choice to surround yourself only with the items that spark joy and align with your priorities, letting go of the rest.

The process of finding joy in minimalism goes beyond possessions; it extends to the freedom and mental clarity that come with living a life unburdened by excess. It’s about stripping away the non-essential, allowing space for what truly matters, and savoring the richness of a life focused on intentional experiences.

6. Learn to live with less

Minimalism is not about deprivation, it’s about living with purpose and intention. You’ll find that having less actually leads to more freedom and happiness.

The heart of minimalism lies in finding joy and meaning in the things that truly matter to you. As you navigate your journey toward a minimalist lifestyle, pay careful attention to the items and experiences that bring genuine happiness into your life. These could be simple pleasures—a cherished book, a piece of art, or the warmth of shared moments with loved ones.

By embracing minimalism, you’re actively curating a living space that reflects your values and cultivates a sense of contentment. It’s a deliberate choice to surround yourself only with the items that spark joy and align with your priorities, letting go of the rest.

The process of finding joy in minimalism goes beyond possessions; it extends to the freedom and mental clarity that come with living a life unburdened by excess. It’s about stripping away the non-essential, allowing space for what truly matters, and savoring the richness of a life focused on intentional experiences.

7. Be mindful of your consumption

Be aware of your spending habits and make conscious decisions about the things you buy. For me it helps to track all my expenses in an app.

One effective strategy to enhance this awareness is to track all your expenses using a dedicated app. This approach not only provides a comprehensive view of your financial transactions but also offers insights into patterns and trends in your spending behavior. It allows you to identify areas where you may be overspending or accumulating possessions that don’t align with your minimalist goals.

The act of logging each expense into an app creates a tangible record of your financial choices, fostering a heightened sense of accountability. It becomes a reflective tool, prompting you to question whether a purchase is a genuine necessity or a momentary desire.

As a Digital Nomad navigating the dynamic landscapes of various locations, the app serves as a portable financial companion, helping you stay mindful of your spending habits regardless of your geographical location.

Dark blue paper Shopping bag.
It always helps me to postpone a purchase – eg. to the next day. This prevents impulsive purchases that aren’t even necessary.

8. Find inspiration from the minimalist community

There are many resources available online, such as blogs, podcasts, and social media groups, that can provide inspiration and support on your journey to a minimalistic lifestyle.

Blogs dedicated to minimalism often share personal experiences, practical tips, and thought-provoking insights. These narratives not only offer guidance but also foster a sense of community by connecting you with like-minded individuals who share similar aspirations.

Podcasts provide an auditory escape into the world of minimalism, featuring interviews, discussions, and expert insights that can deepen your understanding of the philosophy and its application in daily life. Listening to the experiences of others can be a source of inspiration and motivation as you navigate your own minimalist journey.

Social media groups and communities offer a dynamic space for interaction, where you can engage with fellow minimalists, seek advice, and share your progress. The collective wisdom and diverse perspectives within these groups create a supportive environment that can be immensely beneficial, especially during moments of transition or challenge.

9. Embrace quality over quantity

Rather than buying a lot of things, focus on buying high-quality items that will last you a long time.

10. Remember that minimalism is a journey, not a destination

It’s important to be patient with yourself and understand that change takes time. Remember to be kind to yourself as you learn to live with less.

In the end, it’s about finding a balance that works for you, your lifestyle, and your values. It’s about focusing on what truly matters and letting go of everything else. Let me know in the comments how your journey to a more minimalist lifestyle is going!

Are you already a minimalist, or do you plan to become one? Please let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!

2 thoughts on “Become a Minimalist in 10 easy Steps”

  1. Great tips, I have been trying to create a capsule wardrobe for a long time. But it’s really harder than I thought…. It’s hard to get rid of things that ‘might still come in handy someday’ or that I have some emotion attached to.

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback, Rebecca! Yes, I can totally relate to that. I had a pair of too-small jeans in my wardrobe for over 10 years – just in case I eventually fit in. The brain plays strange tricks on you. 😉 But with the will to cope with less, you are already so much further than most! You can be proud of yourself!

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