Mental Health: How your Home Environment Affects it

We all know: Our problems don’t go away just because we change locations. We may be able to avoid them in the short term, but in the long term, we have to work on them – no matter where we are. Still, several factors of a place influence our thoughts and mind. Here is how your home environment can affect your mental health.

How your Home Environment affects your Mental Health


The climate in general can affect your mental health. This includes temperatures, the amount of sunlight, rain, and natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions. An Indian study even found that global warming is affecting people. Rising temperatures lead to more aggressive behavior and more suicide victims.


People in polluted areas tend to be depressed more often. This is mainly because they have an increased level of anxiety.

Underwater shot of the sea full of pieces of plastic Mental Health
Whether air or water are polluted, pollution in general can affect us heavily.

Crime Levels

Living in a place where there is a high crime rate negatively affects your mental health. Women are more likely to be affected than men. Their levels of anxiety and depression have been documented to be much higher in areas with high crime rates.

Toxins inside the home

Nobody likes to live in a house with mold. The disgust and fear of getting sick can negatively impact mental health, and the consequences of asthma disease can lead to depression and anxiety. This includes mold and harmful substances, such as toxic cleaning chemicals.

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Have you ever lived in a moldy house?


Living in poverty can shape people for a lifetime. This is caused by social stress and the feeling of being stigmatized. This often results in a cycle of unemployment and problems in relationships. This affects adults and children alike.


Did you experience some of these negative effects? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!

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